Day # 73: 3D List Hover
A few days ago I came across a website that had a cool effect when you hovered on certain images. I had the impression that their developers had made some version of a 3D effect on those images.
After inspecting that website for a few minutes, I discovered that they had indeed worked with the translateZ value. I decided then to learn more about this value and then practice it with a concrete project.
Today’s project consists of adding a 3D effect on a list of tiny cards, emulating notifications on a mobile phone for a certain app. The key here was play around with the translateZ value of several images to coordinate their form of appearance:
ul li:nth-child(1) {
transform: translateZ(-75px) translateY(20px);
Throughout this project I ran into a problem with some of the images I downloaded. I needed them to be squared, but I didn’t want to edit them with an image software. I wanted to able to do so using CSS, so I found the object-fit property:
Crop image
.cropped-ofp {
width: 150px;
height: 150px;
object-fit: cover;
object-position: 25% 25%;
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