Day # 74: Testimonials Slider

For today’s website I decided to create a slider that consists of a couple of testimonials. It’s very similar to an image slider I had made earlier. The difference here is that you also have a chunk of text, which is the testimonial itself.

The essence here is to add functionality to the “prev” and the “next” buttons in Javascript. For the arrows of those buttons I have used HTML reserved buttons, instead of icons from Font Awesome. Keep in mind that the less external features your website has, the faster and more efficient it will become.

Coming back to making a slider has allowed me to practice the fundamentals of sliders. It is important, as far as learning techniques are concerned, that you keep practicing what you think you already master in order to solidify that knowledge. At the end of the day when we are programming we are “speaking” a language, so the more we get to practice, the better we’ll get at it!  


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