Day # 95: Snoop quotes

By now, you must already know that I like to have fun while doing some projects. While reviewing some concepts on forms, I figured I could do a fun project in which someone enters a sentence and this could be converted into a signature quote by a famous person.

Snoop Doog has a very particular way of saying things, so I came up with this idea of turning your phrase into a Snoop Dogg one. All you have to do is to handle the words entered by the user, and control them to display them in the part of the website that you want.

As a bonus, I thought it’s be fun to include a picture of Snoop Dogg as well. This will only appear after the user has entered his/her phrase. Keep in mind that, ideally, you must enjoy the learning process of coding, so coming up with this type of project is essential for your journey.


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