Day # 98: Angry or Happy Mourinho

I decided to have a little fun for today’s website. I am a big fan of José Mourinho, the infamous soccer coach who has gained notoriety thanks to both his indisputable achievements and noteworthy controversies.

This website offers you the possibility to choose which type of Mourinho you are, depending on how you are feeling. The joke I was trying to make here is the fact that, even if you choose you are “happy Mourinho”, that sentiment can only last 2 seconds… because Mourinho is always angry!

To achieve that I used the Javascript method of timeout. I also had to modify the display property of the image that was not selected to none, that way it doesn’t appear on the website.

I hope you have had as much fun as I did when I created this website. Every once in a while I will create these silly websites, just because it is essential a component of pleasure in this type of project.


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