Day # 36: A Samuel L. Jackson To-do List

Danny Thompson has been one of the most inspiring figures I have come across throughout my journey of becoming a self-taught frontend developer. His relentless advice, guidance and encouragement has pushed me forward in this tough challenge of learning to code.
   When I found out he had published a tutorial on how to do a Todo list, I immediately embarked on doing it. Nonetheless I decided to add my own twist: I decided to put a little bit of Samuel L. Jackson to it. Since most of the tasks that we include in our To-do lists demand some effort, I figured we could use some encouragement when we finish them. With that in mind, I looked for a classic Samuel L. Jackson profanity-filled quote so it can be played when we check off one of those tasks. That being said, please be warned that the audio you will hear is understandably NSFW. And as a bonus, I decided to feature a shaky picture of Samuel L. Jackson as well. Now we don’t have any excuses to do our laundry or do the dishes anymore lol!


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